Monday 29 December 2014

Welcome to GUIDESTAR

The NEW British thriller laced with intrigue, deception and spine chilling revelation. It may change your perception of this country forever but you won't know for sure unless you read it

Scott Reynolds works for the Government. Paige Brook-Pemberton plots their demise. Jimmy is the catalyst, he binds them both.

A horrific nuclear accident leads Scott to discover something worse; he's killed hundreds of innocent people. With the key to the deadliest weapon ever perceived and the astounding truth about his employer, everyone wants him alive. Life spirals out of control as he's forced to run. His only hope lies with a woman he despises. She thinks they can they slip through the intricate fingers of the security services unharmed. He's not convinced.

 GUIDESTAR Facebook page HERE 
 Please Like GUIDESTAR if you have a moment.